Frequently Asked Questions

How many lashes will be put on each eye?

Most Classic full sets will give you between 60-90 lash extensions per eye, depending on how many mature natural lashes you have, and what phase of growth your lashes are in.

Volume will give you between 3-8 lash extensions per natural lash, depending on how many mature natural lashes you have, and the type of natural lashes you have.

Won’t eyelash extensions damage my natural lashes?

A properly trained lash artist will know the correct size of lash to use to ensure the natural lash can tolerate it without damage. As long as you do not tug on, mess with, sleep on, or try to remove them yourself, you should not lose any natural lashes prematurely. However, your natural lashes do have a natural shedding cycle, and you can lose 2-6 natural lashes daily. So, you will occasionally see a lash or two fall out with an extension attached.

How often should I get them filled?

It is recommended to get a fill every 2-3 week to keep them looking full and beautiful.

When can I get them wet after?

Your lashes will be cured with water vapor at the end of your service to help with the curing process, and ensure the most comfortable wear. It is recommended to wait about 24-48 hours before getting them wet, to ensure a strong bond.

Does it hurt to get lashes applied?

Lash extensions shouldn’t hurt while being applied. If you feel any discomfort, please tell you lash artist immediately.

Can I swim with them?

It isn’t recommended to swim in pools or the ocean, as chlorine and salt water will break down the bond faster.  If you are a swimmer, I recommend using goggles, and/or coming in for a fill more often.

What are the lashes made of?

High-quality lashes are made of synthetic polyester, silk and mink. Because of animal cruelty concerns, I only use synthetic lash extensions for my business.

What kind of glue do you use?

Professional lash artists use an FDA approved surgical grade adhesive, safe for use on the eye area.

Can I wear makeup with them on?

Absolutely! It is recommended to only wear oil free eye makeup, as the oil will break down the lash adhesive. Never wear waterproof mascara or eyeliner, as it is too hard to remove without damaging lashes. And only use oil free eye makeup remover.

Can I wear contacts with them on?

Most people have no problems wearing contact lenses with lashes.

How do I remove the lashes?

You should always have a trained lash artist remove your lashes for you. Trying to remove them yourself can damage your natural lashes.

Feel free to message me with any other questions you may have.